New Orleans 10 Years Later - Post Katrina

This week marks the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina making landfall in the Gulf Coast of the United States. The most powerful storm to make landfall in US history, Katrina wrecked havoc on the local communities of the Gulf Coast, New Orleans included.

While devastating in nature, and destroying much of the local infrastructure, the storm did allow for rebirth. The city in some aspects has come back stronger than before.

This change was spurred by an outpouring of support across the nation from people who wanted to volunteer and help rebuild a cultural treasure that was destroyed by the storm.

As people from across the country, and in some instances the world, came to help rebuild, something unique happened that those familiar with the area can attest to: they fell in love with the unique culture, history, and entertainment that only New Orleans can provide and wanted to make it home. The storm provided opportunity for those willing to seek it out.

This has resulted in a ‘new’ New Orleans. A start-up culture has taken hold. The city has become a digital technological hub, helped by various state tax credits encouraging entrepreneurship. The city is developing a new state-of-the-art biomedical district. While not completely back, New Orleans is well on it’s way to becoming a new type of leader in the country, one of opportunity and growth.